Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How to Repair a Sun-Damaged Scalp! By Robin McDonald

by @robinmcdonald
Hey, everybody welcome to the kitchen. I'm your kitchen beautician Robin McDonald. Today's video is how to create a remedy for a sunburnt scalp. My head is hurting just thinking about it. Ouch. Here's what you're going to need. Aloe vera, I know you've heard of that before. I have crushed lavender. A little oil. Argon oil, olive oil, sweet almond oil all these things work but I happen to be using my silk oil from my line. My YKB line. All organic natural oil. It's mostly argon oil which is a fantastic soothing and healing qualities in it. Now I've been steeping about five bags of tea. Some people might call it bergamot tea I call it bergamint because it is from the mint family. And this also has extraordinary healing and soothing qualities. Actually bergamot was used and still is today but back in the day to cure cirrhosis and acne and all kinds of irritated conditions on the skin. So first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take about a teaspoon of my crushed lavender which by the way you can buy at any herb shop whole foods sometimes has dried herbs. This is pure lavender. I'm using a muddler here. You can use the back of an ice cream ladle or a soup ladle in a glass bowl. I'm going to put a couple of drops of my silk my beauty oil. OK the pumps not working. That's my fault not the bottle's fault. That packaging is perfect. And I'm going to muddle. Going to break this up. You don't have to go crazy just want to release some of the essence of the lavender in to the oil. That's beautiful. Throw it in to the bowl. Add your aloe vera. This is aloe vera juice as opposed to the gel. Again whole foods, Trader Joe's any health food store. I think probably all the regular grocery stores would be selling it too. And now I'm actually going to use my French press just to push those tea bags all the way down. Just going to add a little bit of this. And whisk. Whisk, whisk, whisk. This can be as thin or as thick as you need it to be. Take a cotton ball, soak it thoroughly with your concoction and apply it to the irritated areas. And it's a fantastic immediate relief for sunburned skin. And thank you so much for joining me in the kitchen. I'm Robin McDonald your kitchen beautician. Follow me at Thanks again I'll see you next time.

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